New “Super Short” Film Script- It’s called ANDROID ARRIVES AT THE PARTY

"Go get Hole19 for Android!!!!!!"

Sounds like the climax of an awesome 80's sci-fi movie that was never made. I don't know about you, but I picture John Malkovich yelling it as he jumps out of a burning spaceship...

Launching on Android has been a long time coming, and we couldn't be more excited. Got to give the people what they WANT!

As if we haven't already gotten carried away, we wrote a "super short" film script about Adroid's arrival to the party (hint: Ion = iOS and Andy = Android).


Ion:    [pacing back and forth, in front of a cheering mob of people] 

	    [sees Andy coming, shakes his head slowly with a wry smile]

Andy:   [arrives after a long sprint, huffing and puffing] 

		[gasp] Uhhhhhhhhh 

		Fiiiiiiiiiiiinally! I’m here! 

		[sucking wind] 


Ion:    [incredulous, brow furrowed] Where the hell you been, man? You’re 9 months late!

Andy:   Dude...that was tough. [huffing, hands on his knees] 

Ion:	Do you realize how many thousands of people have been waiting for you? [gestures back to the crowd]

Andy:   I know, I know, but it was essential that, if I were to come to the party, I do it RIGHT. 

Ion: 	[chuckles] Nobody said it was gonna be easy! You think developing me was easy? 

Andy:   You don’t have 50 different screen sizes to account for, Ion! 

Ion:	You got me there. How did you do it?

Andy: was like 10 percent luck, 20 percent skill, 15 percent concentrated power and will--- 

Ion:    [laughs] Stop it. By the way, it’s cool if I call you Lollipop from now on, right? OK great.

Andy:   You better not----

Ion:	Come on man, let’s go inside. We’ve got a lot of partying to do. 

Andy: 	I’m ready, let’s do this!

Ion: 	I’ve already got 300,000 people hangin’ out at my cabana. We’ve had almost 700,000 rounds between us! You’ve got a lot of catching up to do my man…

Andy:   Don’t you worry. By the time we get to April, my fleet will be HUGE. 

		[Starts walking into the club, looks back, and points at Ion with a smile] 

		We’re coming for you, big dog!!!  

Ion:	VIVA Hole19!

You tell me-- should we make this super-short? Give a piece of your mind in the comments.

Oh and in case you Hole19 for Android FREE!

Check out a few more screenshots on your way out: