Hole19 Golf GPS App for iPhone - Our Biggest Update Yet - is Now Live!

Golfers around the world using Hole19 have guided us to the improvements included in this update, and it is golfers that will continue to drive our app development going forward.###
**3 key elements** are included in this new version — features that we consider essential to the golf experience with **Hole19 Golf GPS** and natural extensions of previously available functionalities.They are the following:
###Multiplayer Scoring### ###Now, you can keep your playing partners' golf scores.###

What's great about it?
- Simply enter each players' score after each hole. It's that simple.
- Rotate your iPhone horizontally to see the scorecard, which shows gross and net (or net stableford) scores of each player. You can pull down the multiplayer scores tray to see your Fairway, GIR and Putting stats for each hole.

After the round, your playing partners each automatically receive an email with their scorecard.
Round Review###
Now, having used Hole19's Advanced Input to track your round shot-by-shot, you can re-live that round at any time.###

What's great about it?
- Show your friends how far you hit your drive on a hole.
- Show your teammates what clubs you hit to get to the green in 2 on that Par 5.
- Re-visit your last round at a particular course so that you can define a plan for where you want to play each shot the next time out.
Overall Stats###
You can now see your aggregate stats: Overall, Last 20 Rounds and Last 5 Rounds.###

What's great about it?
- You get an overall picture of the state of your game, and a sense for how you are trending in each stat category.
- Knowing specifically what you do well and what you do less well is the first step in improving. It allows you to plan your next practice sessions.
That's it for now, but we are already working on what's next. So stay tuned for more useful and engaging features.###
Start taking advantage of this awesome stuff!###
Download or update Hole19 - it's 100% free.
Spread the word- tell your friends! And spread the love. On Facebook. On forums. On the App Store. Anywhere. The better we do, the more able we are to serve you.
Talk to us! We love our users, and it's for them that we build. How do you use the Hole19 Golf GPS app for iPhone? Are you improving? As a golfer, what do you want? What could we be doing better? Tell us. Reach out anytime by whatever means you like. Email. Through the app. Twitter. Facebook. Want to have a Skype call? Let's set it up.
Enjoy Hole19 and play well!
Team Hole19
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The most complete mobile app for golfers.
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