Bunker Shot Drills - Beat the beach!
Practicing sand shots and taking the time to improve play from bunkers is often something that gets overlooked during driving-range sessions and practice rounds out on the course.
Here are a few drills we've been putting to work to help us beat the beach and escape sand traps with more accuracy, more regularly:
This one's not a drill, but we found it really helped us get the basics right. We've found that since we started swinging more aggressively we've more or less eliminated the duffed bunker shots from our game:
Don't quit on your bunker shots, take a towel to the beach and complete your rotation!
Get wide and low with this Seve Ballesteros inspired drill
Had enough of poor ball striking in bunkers?
time to draw a line in the sand...
Measure your striking consistency with a circle in the sand...
The biggest theme we came across was committing to the shot. We've definitely found that just swinging the club more confidently has really helped us to improve our rate of escape from sand traps.
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