Eric Cogorno: The Two Best Drills For Connection In The Golf Swing

It's that time again where we check in with top golf coach, and friend of Hole19, Eric Cogorno.  This week we have a double helping of great instructional content to feast upon that will help every one of us on our quest for golfing improvement.  

We can't wait for you to jump right in but, before you do, here's a welcome message from Eric and a little taster of this week's main focus - Connection In The Golf Swing.  

Also, listen out for information on a special offer Eric's running on his Shallow Your Downswing Master Class series...

There are many swing flaws that can stem from poor connection in the golf swing (most of us golfers at Hole19 HQ have suffered from every one of them) and Eric gets to the heart of the matter by talking to us about the root cause of the arms coming away from the body.

Then, when we're a little more enlightened as to why this disconnection happens and we better understand the relationship of the arms and the body in the golf swing, he sets about giving us two great drills to help achieve perfect connection.

Check out this week's video below...

As a bit of a bonus for all Hole19ers, Eric is running a special offer on his SHALLOW YOUR DOWNSWING MASTER CLASS whereby you can access this series with 50% off when you use the promo code HOLE19.

(FYI, this promo code can also be used against Eric's SLICE FIX PROGRAM if your golfing progress is being stunted by the dreaded slice)

Watch all the best ball strikers in the world and you will see they all shallow the golf club in their downswing. They do this because it is – without a doubt – a fundamental move to good golf.

Shallowing the club makes it easier to have the path neutral to slightly inside. A shallow angle of attack makes it easier to hit middle of the face, easier to produce speed, easier to match with more body rotation, face control and more!

There are countless benefits to mastering this move - and now you can with Eric Cogorno’s SHALLOW YOUR DOWNSWING MASTER CLASS.

Specifically designed by the man himself, this is a comprehensive, step-by-step program and unlike other one-off videos or quick fixes.

"If I had choice of anything to teach a beginning golfer, how to shallow the downswing would be at the top of the list." Eric Cogorno

For a price that wouldn’t even cover one round at a decent course - let alone a private lesson with Eric - you can discover his proven strategy to get shallow once and for all.

What people on social media are saying about Eric’s methods for shallowing the downswing:

“OK when I saw this I didn't think it could possibly work. I was wrong! Just shot some video and I have never laid the club in the slot before with so little effort. Looked like a proper golf swing and my hands and shaft at impact matched the address position too. This is amazing stuff…”
Dean Pelton

“This guy, Eric, is amazing…I’m 67 years old and been playing golf for 50 years. I’ve watched thousands of videos. Nobody explains this stuff like Eric.”
Tom Jackson

“I have been working on shallowing out the club on the down swing for a few months now but you have given me the extra missing piece to make it work consistently. Very well explained!” Cheers, Bob 🇬🇧👍

“Practiced these concepts yesterday and tied my all-time low from 20 years ago today.”
John Moore

So, what's included...

Purchase now and get instant access to 12 videos of Eric walking you through the entire SHALLOW YOUR DOWNSWING MASTER CLASS. It’s the exact same way he would guide you through the process if you were together at the range. With more than an hour of content, you'll learn:

-Exactly what you need to do to set yourself up to shallow the club
-What you’re supposed to do during your downswing to cure your steep pattern
-Drills specifically designed to train you to shallow the club
-A variety of options within each practice station
-How to use feedback to guide your practice along the way.

Don’t let this chance to improve your golf game and lower your scores pass you by!

As another step towards golfing improvement, make sure you download the Hole19 golf app FREE today by clicking your app store button below. You can also learn more about the game-enhancing abilities of Hole19 Premium.