Hole19 Community Stats: Behind the Masters

To help build up to the 86th Masters, we thought it would be interesting to delve into our community stats at Augusta National - to see how our golfers have fared over the years.

Keep scrolling and you'll find some pretty cool Masters-style insights.

Almost as iconic as the golf course itself is the drive up Magnolia Lane - flanked by 61 magnolia trees on either side, 122 total.

Just 13 rounds played by Hole19 users shows the exclusive nature of Augusta National and how we will probably never set foot on those perfectly pristine fairways.

Still, we can always dream!

One of our golfers managed to bag himself (or herself) an unforgettable eagle. What a feeling!

They'll be dining out on that for many-a-year.

Shooting 86 around one of the most difficult courses in world golf is not to be sniffed at. A solid effort by our Hole19ers.

A solid effort... sure. But DJ's eye-popping record score in 2020 reminds us all that these guys have superhuman skills.

As an average of his four day total, he went round in 19 shots per round fewer 😳

Next up, we have the dreamers. Dreamers who are just like us...

The dreamers love to marvel at Augusta National on their Hole19 app. They plot their round and post the scores they *think* they could achieve.

Of course, it seems rather more straightforward from the comfort of our couch!

We are ALL dreamers. Golfing dreamers are full of optimism. We rarely account for the possible fats, or thins, or plugged lies, or water balls, or threes-off-the-tee etc...

No surprise then that the eagles and birdies have comparatively 'soared' in these 'at-home' rounds.

We hope you enjoyed our look 'Behind the Masters' and that you're ready to settle in and watch the world's best from April 7-10.