New Hole19 Premium Feature: Handicap Simulator (UK & EUROPE)
We hope you're as excited about this new feature as we are.
Without a doubt, over the past few months, this has been a new feature our Hole19'ers have really been wanting to see.
FYI - Right now the Simulator only supports the handicap systems for the UK and Europe, but we're working on the others as fast as we can.
With the Handicap Simulator, you'll be able to unofficially assess the impact any round of golf has on your handicap without needing to submit it in the clubhouse.
Or perhaps you don't have an 'official' handicap. The Simulator is a great way for you to track your progress so you're always playing with the number of shots that's relevant to your game level.
Here's how you can activate it:
Before you hit 'Save Round' once you've finished your round simply check the slider as shown in the image below. Your app will automatically select the appropriate handicap system for the calculation.

Your handicap in the App will automatically be updated to reflect any changes your recent saved round made.
Lowering your handicap level by any amount is something to be proud of. That's why, if you manage to drive it downward, you can share it directly to your profile feed for all to see:

Don't have the app downloaded yet? The FREE app is packed with features to help you make this golf season your best yet. Lower scores, lower handicaps all for the low low price of TOTALLY FREE!...
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