Hole19-LIVE is now available in Beta!
With COVID-19 & Social Distancing having taken the world by storm, we at Hole19 HQ have been thinking of what we can do to bring more fun into the game, while keeping you safe out there on the golf course.
For years now, golfers have been asking us to develop a live-scoring solution, which would enable golfers to compete with each other in real time via live leaderboards when they're out on the course with a larger group of friends.
There were some existing solutions that did a decent job, but golfers kept coming back to us saying they wanted to use Hole19 exclusively. So late last year, we rolled up our sleeves and started building.
Introducing Hole19-LIVE
Today we're making our beta version of Hole19-LIVE available for everybody.

Originally, a more polished version of this was meant to be released later this year, but we felt you should have access to this immediately. Because: COVID-19.
Visit hole19golf.com/performance/leaderboards and log in to your Hole19 account.
2. Create a new leaderboard by giving it a name, and then:
a) Set the day the round will be played;
b) Pick the course you and your friends will tee off on;
c) Check the correct tee-boxes to be used (e.g. Men's and Ladies tees)
d) Choose the scoring format (Stableford or Stroke Play)

3. Once the leaderboard has been created, you will get to an "invite page" with a link that you should share with your friends via Whatsapp, iMessage or Email for them to join.

- They need to be registered & signed in on Hole19 via the website.
2. Click the link you sent them and "join the round" on the top right.

3. On the day of the round, everyone just needs to simply play with their own version of the Hole19 app. Make sure everyone selects the correct tee-box and has their handicap updated for correct leaderboard calculations.

Once you have started playing, you simply need to click on the same link that was shared and the scores of your group will appear on the leaderboard in real-time.

And that's it!
We are going to continue to work on this new functionality to make it better, but we wanted to make sure all of you had access to this immediately, as it can be helpful in times where social distancing will become more important in golf.
We hope you find this useful and look forward to continuing to improve Hole19-LIVE for golfers around the world.
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