Download Hole19 to start lowering your scores

Insights from 1 million rounds of golf played with Hole19

St. Andrews

In less than a year since Hole19's launch, the app has assisted golfers around the world in their playing of more than 1 million rounds!

The Stories###

Hole19 provided the perfect distance for 6 hole-in-ones!!!

It directed the strategy for Charlie M. from Ireland, who went for the par 5 18th in 2 to score a match-winning birdie.

Congrats to 15-year-old Mike L. from South Africa, our most improved player who went from a 19 handicap to a 7 in a single summer. We loved the email you sent us sharing that story. Keep us posted on how things go this season...

And we have received over 600 emails from folks who have told us they are playing more golf because Hole19 makes it more fun.

During rounds and throughout golf season, Hole19 helps golfers improve and elevates their experience. In turn, the resulting anecdotes inspire us to keep getting better.

The Data###

The macro-level Hole19 stories are interesting as well. After 1 million rounds played, we're happy to share these stories with the world of golf, as told through data:











You can download these graphics as a single infographic here.

And if you haven't already, download Hole19 and try for yourself what others around the world have done a million times.

Play well & have fun out there on the course!

Team Hole19


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The most complete mobile app for golfers.

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