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Hole19 Tour '19 - December

Hey, Hole19ers! 2019 has been a great year for Hole19 and we've been celebrating it by unlocking ALL Premium features on the 19th of each month! So get ready to play (and win) during the last month of Hole19 Tour '19 - Our Year of Celebration! All Premium features will be unlocked for everyone to enjoy on Thursday, December 19!

So we've come all the way to the end of the year and we'd like to give a huge thank you to all of our golfers for their suppport! 🤗
Everybody might be getting ready for Christmas now but if you still have some time to hit the golf course this month, then be sure not to miss the December and last edition of Hole19 Tour '19. We're making all Hole19 Premium features available to everyone for 24 hours next Thursday, December 19! So get your clubs ready, mark your calendars and enjoy some great golf!

You can see the current leaderboard here and read the full announcement here.

Feature of the Month: Highlights


Yep, is there a better way to end this year than looking back at what you have achieved so far? That's why we saved this special Premium feature for last - Highlights! 🎉🎉🎉
With Premium Pro unlocked, you have access to the Highlights section of your profile. There you can check all of the achievements of your golf career since you started using Hole19:

Best Net
Fairway Hit
Most Played course
Best streak
Best Hole Ever
Best Gross Score
Best Scrambling
Longest Drive
Lowest Putt Score
Longest Distance
Shortest Round

Learn more about Highlights here.

Take a look at what you have accomplished in your golf game in 2019 and if there's still things you'd like to achieve, make them your 2020 golfing resolutions! 💪 LET'S ALL HOPE FOR A GREAT 2020 SEASON! 🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♀️

Off to the challenge!

To have a chance to win one of the nineteen 1-month subscriptions:

- Play a round on December 19, 2019

Take advantage of Hole19 Premium PRO and SHARE your rounds using hashtags #hole19community and #hole19tour19 for a chance to be FEATURED!

Can't wait to try Premium Pro?

Ready? Let's tee off!


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